Thursday, February 3, 2011

Venturing Out on Day 3 of "Snow Days" 2-3-11

We are probably crazy to venture out today in this CRAZY Texas weather, but it was for a good cause. I had a scheduled follow up dr's appt and we have to eat, right? So, why not just combine the 2 and call it a day. It took us FOREVER to get to my appt and we ended up being over an hour late. It ended up working out though because half of the patients had cancelled their appointments. The appt went great! :) I have come a long way since Dec 30th... I am starting to cringe even thinking about that day! And in order to get "caught up" on my blog then I just can't avoid it. :) Our next stop was at IHOP for a Yummy late breakfast!

***Foot Surgery will have to be a "Separate" post! ***

Of course I didn't take my camera with us today but thanks to "modern" technology I have a camera right on my phone. I think we all do these days but I have to mention it was the camera on my phone that these pic's were taken with because they aren't the best quality. BOOO Blackberry! :(

I will have to start letting Jared take his iTouch when I don't have my camera because it takes much better pictures!

For those of you that know me.... I LOVE taking pic's of myself with my phone! :) It is ONLY because for some reason I get a HUGE kick out of laughing at myself and my silly expressions!
~In the car~

~IHOP Pics.... Love my boys! And love that Jake "wanted" a pic of him in my glasses~

1 comment:

The Howell's said...

LOVE the new blog design! :)